Institut Supérieur Agronomique Chott Mériem


Laboratory of Animal production and sustainable development in semi-arid zones

Research activities of the group

Research Team Members

General Description

Rajouene Majdoub, Associate Professor

His research activities concern the conservation of natural resources, including water and soil, as well as the dynamics of agricultural effluents and their impacts on the natural environment, namely the modeling of solutes transfer. He focuses also on the diagnosis of the dysfunction of soil and water conservation structures and their impact on soil characteristics and production yield.

Asma El Amri, Research Professor

Her research activities are focused on the management of irrigation water (conventional and non-conventional) and solute transport in the context of water and land valorizations in semi-arid areas. Her research concerned the hydraulic systems, hydraulic and agronomic performance of irrigated systems at the perimeter and plot scales, climate change adaptation measures at the plot scale, risks of groundwater pollution by agricultural activities and livestock effluents

Asma Lasram, Associate Professor

Her research activities are focused on climate effect on crop production and climate trends.

M’Nassri Soumaia

Her research focuses on studying water analysis and quality and dynamics of salts in the soil using geochemical, statistical, geostatistical and geochemical modeling approaches

Role and main responsibilities in the project

The unit is involved in WP1, WP2, WP3, and WP5